Lollapuzoola 2023
We did this year’s Lollapuzoola as a two part event on Tuesday night and Sunday morning at my house. Aaron and Emily came over and we got right to solving!

Warmup Puzzle A Cascades
Thoughts: It took us a while to realize the diagonal unshaded squares were answers too! This was one of my favs from this year’s puzzles.
Time: 6:12
Warmup Puzzle B Freestyle Midi
14A: We sing this song all the time, especially now that we have a baby in the family.
4D: Still would like one of these- maybe some day.
Time: 4:53
Warmup Puzzle C Twinlets
Thoughts: Cool concept, we enjoyed figuring out which clues went with each side by solving a section at a time.
We had 34D as STRATUS and couldn’t figure out what 56A CE_ESO_Y was.
Time: 24:56
1 Smash It!
Thoughts: Not my favorite theme of this year’s puzzles, clues were straightforwards and easy.
Time: 8:26/20:00
2 Block Parties
Thoughts: Cute theme, love a rebus
45D: Luckily, we had KPop fanatic Emily at the table
55D: Avery played this at work and couldn’t knock down anyone!
71D: These are the only earrings allowed in gymnastics
Time: 12:39/30:00
3 Wrap Stars
Thoughts: A 3d puzzle! So cool! It was harder for us to find the clues than normal.
Time: 13:37/30:00
4 Deflation Theory
Thoughts: We solved the puzzle, but didn’t get the theme.
21A: A childhood favorite artist – our Dad played this song ALL the time.
79A: he he
Time: 28:21/40:00
5 Party Animal
109A – This one made us giggle
Time: 16:02/40:00
Championship Final
Thoughts: We abandoned team solving and went head to head. Aaron gave Avery a handicap by solving his puzzle with the Express clues. It was a bigger handicap than he expected, and he needed a few hints to finish.
Aaron – ~27 mins on Express
Avery – 9:39 on Local
Themeless Midi
Aaron – 4:47
Avery – 10:47 with 1 mid-puzzle poopy diaper change