Henry Coe 1 Nighter
Day 1
In preparation for backpacking season- Avery, Morgan, Andrew, and Karissa planned a quick overnight trip to Henry Coe. Just an hour outside of the Bay Area, it was the perfect spot for the first trip of the season. They met in the overflow parking lot near the Coe Ranch Headquarters. Upon reaching the parking lot, Avery and Morgan realized they had forgotten their trekking poles at home! They also forgot to bring a trowel and when they revealed this to Andrew and Karissa, they too said they had forgotten theirs!
Karissa caught up with Avery and Morgan. Morgan revealed he was no longer an intern and had a full time job! Andrew and Karissa were intending on entering the Bay Area housing market! Andrew hastily threw things into his backpack from the trunk. After everyone was ready to leave, it was a quarter mile to the headquarters building.
At headquarters, they were assigned the last spot at Deer Horn camp. The ranger recommended stopping at Frog Lake for fishing and helped the group plan their route to and from Deer Horn. They decided to add a few more miles by taking Middle Ridge to Fish Trail for the journey home.

After leaving headquarters, they discussed plans for Andrew and Karissa’s “wattage cottage”, an unattached building dedicated for stationary biking. The name was so catchy they kept saying it the whole trip.
They arrived at Fish Lake just after lunch. There were already several families fishing there with young children. One girl caught a large bass across the pond.
They all ate their sandwiches in the shade. Avery gave Andrew a bag of dried pineapple (his favorite from last trip). She also promised a housewarming dehydrator for when Andrew and Karissa close on their house. Andrew negotiated for a pineapple to be added to the housewarming package.
After lunch, Avery and Morgan tried their hand at fishing. Using her Tenkara rod and a reverse hackle sakasa kebari fly, Avery snagged two bluegills. The group heard shrieking as she pulled the first bluegill in and it was nearly attacked by an extremely aggressive frog!! Luckily for the bluegill, Avery managed to snatch it out of the froggy jaws and set it free. The frog stalked Avery and gave her the evil eye for several minutes afterward. Karissa walked around to Avery’s side of the pond to see the frog. Annoyed that it didn’t get the bluegill, the frog refused to reappear for Karissa.
Morgan used juicy worms and his spinning rod and landed 5 bass and two bluegills in under 45 minutes. Every other cast they saw a splash followed by his line darting all around the lake.
After Morgan caught all of the bass in the lake, the group walked back around the lake to the trail to Deer Horn. Karissa finally saw a frog in the reeds and didn’t take a picture. Avery also didn’t get a picture and had regrets about not getting one for the trip report.
It was a short uphill hike before a steep downhill section to get to Deer Horn. Karissa read that the approach to one of the campsites was covered in poison oak. She hoped that wasn’t their site.
When the group got to Deer Horn, there was only one campsite left (campsite 1). It wasn’t flat. Morgan took two sticks and began “landscaping” the ground into a flatter pad for his tent. Avery read Alloy of Law in the tent and fell asleep after less than a chapter. Morgan also took a nap. Karissa went to get some sun and some poison oak. Andrew ran back up the hill to fill his dirty water bags at a water source they passed on the way from Frog Lake (there was some dripping water near the camp, but it went into a trough full of stagnant mosquito filled water).
There was a pit toilet with toilet paper at Deer Horn! This was very convenient. While unpacking for dinner, Andrew realized he had packed a trowel after all! He had also packed two full fuel canisters!! This was not “Andrew Approved”.
Andrew Approved means that the item is of ultimate lightness. Of Avery’s backpacking supplies, only Avery’s quilt, sleeping pad, stove, and titanium spork are considered “Andrew Approved”. Also, just because Andrew brings something does not mean it is Andrew Approved! See the double fuel canister example.
Day 2
The next day, they packed up early and headed up the steep incline. Morgan pushed Avery up to the top by her backpack! He said it gave him better leverage against the hill.

They strolled down Middle Ridge road. There were lots of twisted looking trees and young green grass. The air was fresh and the breeze was refreshing!

On the way out, Avery proposed a hypothetical: Could Andrew run back to the start in the reverse direction (6 miles) before Avery, Morgan, and Karissa could hike back to the car (2.5 miles)? Some stipulations were added:
- Team AMK would have to take Andrews pack
- They aren’t allowed to throw out his 5lbs of dirty water
- Team AMK must arrive as a group
- The time it took to repack Andrew’s pack into team AMK’s packs would count toward the total time
Avery and Morgan thought they could definitely beat “Phantom Andrew”. Andrew thought “it would be close”, but that Phantom Andrew’s competitive spirit would carry him over the edge. Also, he thought he could count on Karissa as a team member for Phantom Andrew since she wanted to take breaks on the way home. He set the estimated time for Phantom Andrew aka “The Blue Streak” at an hour. The race was on!
The group continued on toward the car as a group. Phantom Andrew sprinted back the way they came. Real Andrew consistently reminded the group that Phantom Andrew was making good time. Avery noted that Phantom Andrew might have some time added for stopping to administer wilderness first aid to a struggling hiker.
In the end, they made it back to the car in just over an hour. Andrew declared victory on behalf of Phantom Andrew. Avery and Morgan were excited to go pick up Rusty and eat a big lunch. Everyone was happy!
Avery! You post the best trip reports! I feel like I was there; from the comfort of the family room couch.
Yes, that Andrew Approved Packing List is a rigorous one, I remember it well from hut trips in the White Mountains in NH.
Yup, that is poison oak. Such an angry looking plant.
Huge thank you for the “Team picture for Andrew’s Mom”.
Thanks Susan! I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂